What a great photo! Haaaa that's so cool, Sarah and lovely of your server to let you have the discount a week early ;-) There's always so much grace in the way you navigate through these moments of change, transition and sandwich grilling ;-) It's by no means easy, and it's okay if it's messy - it sounds like you and your family can use humour to move through that discomfort. Is that chowder? yumm

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Victoria, it was indeed a "sandwich grilling" the other day -- your word choice made me laugh. Jon said my description didn't do it justice, and I'm so thankful my dad and I are able to laugh at ourselves. Laughing is what's getting us through a lot ...

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Yes, such a blessing to navigate through with grace and laughter, so often it's not the case!

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Aug 2Liked by Sarah Coomber

Last week I turned 55 and I received my first senior discount when a hotel gave me 5% off. I was amazed (really....a senior discount?!) and my frugal side was quite pleased. Happy birthday to you too 🎉!

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Happy birthday, Sarah S.!! You're a woman after my own heart. 😊

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Aug 2Liked by Sarah Coomber

Dave and I both agree this is a superb picture of the Coomber Trio! Congrats on joining the discount generation…gotta look on the bright side. Greetings from super-hot Arizona from Dave Moewes and Barbara Aarestad

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Absolutely -- looking on the bright side! :) Great to hear from you, Barbara and Dave -- stay cool in AZ!

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