Beautifully explained, Sarah. I hear you. It's an unexpected reconciliation within ourselves, I think.

For me, I realised how conditioned I was to 'expect' and 'measure' things as part of the 'corporate work purpose, productivity. It's tough to deprogram this mentality and way of measure our purpose in life! Economics and productivity has been the driving force of many things in western life, and shorter and shorter timeframes to measure Returns on investment.

So, redefining success, focusing on the present, on relationships and building for an undeterminable future seems counterintuitive. If we can't define the exact future outcomes, the uncertainty and inability to measure it creates discomfort...not something we humans are good with.

Being mindful can help us appreciate the journey, and enable us to find moments of peace and joy.

Thanks for this article and the quotes.

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It's been such a long time, I don't remember the "lines". I just remember doing it and the doing helped. They were songs from movies, shows, my childhood,. My ongoing memorized piece is the 23rd psalm which I often say just to quiet my mind and distract my focus. hope this can help if needed.

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May 25Liked by Sarah Coomber

Congratulations for finding something that can keep you going through the rough times. It reminded me of the the lines from favorite songs I hung on to during the last 3 years while I recovered from a traumatic fall. I repeated them over and over again and sometimes I sang out loud and louder ---only when I was alone at home--- to push away the pain and the constant fear running through my mind. They really worked and I am glad yours do too.

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Carolann, you've got me curious! I would love to hear what those lines are, if you don't mind sharing. Maybe they would inspire others as well

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I'm glad to read along with you while you are in this process and being mindful in the moment and reflective in your look back. Also, congrats on Max's HS graduation!

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Thank you for being here, and for the congrats. It's quite a time!

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