Congrats on your new PR! Once I hit 40, I took up triathalons as a way to motivate myself to stay active - but oh boy, training is so much work!

And I love that you are walking in your mother's shoes! And that you shared a picture of them with us.

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Thank you, Christine!

I'm so impressed that you've ventured into the world of triathalons -- that's a whole other level that I can't even imagine ... good for you!

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Jun 13Liked by Sarah Coomber

That was so beautiful Sarah, brought a tear to my eye once again. I’m just home from Mr Regina trip during which I met up with your mum and my friends.. Rita, Peggy and Shirley. We shared lots of laughs and memories and of course Eleanor’s name came up often. These “old ladies” are enjoying your sandwich season snippets as much as I do. We feel as though your turning the sheets down on us as well. Love it. Keep it coming.👍

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Kay, thank you so much for your message and encouragement ... and for sending the photo of you all. In my imagination, I added my mom to your Fab Four. I'm sure she was with you in spirit. Hugs to you!

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Jun 13Liked by Sarah Coomber

Sarah, I can't tell you how much this speaks to me. Several years ago when my mom started declining with her kidney, liver and hypertension issues she became less and less active. We're seeing her get weaker every day. I decided awhile ago to start taking much better care of myself, losing a little weight and moving my body alot more! Alcohol is not frequent and in the summer months especially with the garden it's easier to eat healthier. I try to share healthy recipes with my parents and encourage her to try to use her walker and get out of her chair. Sometimes I hear she stays in bed all day. I think she's just worn out. It's very difficult being so far away. I get down to see her every few months. Thank you for sharing your stories and prayers for you and your family.

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Kathryn, what a hard time for you and your family. My heart goes out to you all. I can well imagine the challenge of being far away at a time like this.

I'm glad to hear you're taking good care of yourself -- it's such a key piece in taking care of others. I actually got out for a "mindfulness run" this morning in which the coach on my app focused on this very idea ... dispelling the idea of self-care as being selfish and rather a way that we ensure we are in the best place to be present for others.

Sending you hugs and praying for you and yours as well. <3

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OH gosh! BIG kudos to you Sarah! Bravo!

Ask me 10 yrs ago and I probably would've never understood/related to what you wrote in the first part....but since 2017 when I resigned I took a bit step in fitness - partly because of the familial history of heart disease but also because I knew I was eating my feelings.

These days I have to do something everyday - usually I'm on my treadmill early for at least 30mins of walk run walk. On respite, I can spend more time in the gym...I would NEVER have thunk that sentence when I was working! - respite or gym ;-)

Without getting into biology, physiology, or philosophy...I think I'd like to use your elevations and training as a metaphor for the journeys we don't know we're going to have later...every moment we're training. Personally, I believe in the agility and strength to pivot and endure to move forward...we've made their shoes our own, The souls imprinted.

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And kudos right back to you, Victoria! Good for you for getting on that treadmill. And I love that you mentioned walk-run-walk, because that is another of my favorite things. I learned it from my friend Rachel. We try to go "rulking" weekly. It's really therapeutic.

I really enjoy the way your mind works. I considered taking this piece in that direction ... especially about how training in our life helps us in future ways we couldn't have imagined at the time. I would love to see what you do with that and the elevations!

And look at that ... "we've made their shoes our own, the souls imprinted" ... whoa ... That makes me sigh with happiness. Thank you for your thoughtfulness <3

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All inspired by you, my friend ;-) I've saved a few of your articles into my 'knowledge vault' now ;-) Big hugs and again - Bravo!

I've so many ideas bubbling in my content folder - why don't you take the angle of elevations and the climb yourself? I'd love to hear your other thoughts - after all it's your idea...and your Mom's shoes ;-)

...FYI I have Miley Cyrus 'The Climb' on my 'empathy' playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0P7rSVjOJIcg8tYtS8lcUc?si=af972773aece42af

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I'm honored to be in your knowledge vault, Victoria! :)

If you feel inspired about the elevations/climb, please don't hold back! I have no idea when (if?) I will even get to that idea.

Hugs to you! Thanks for the playlist link ... checking it out ... <3

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